A range of services are available in our home, as well as locally in the community. These include:
Health and Fitness Programme
Residents can visit our in-house salon where our fully qualified hairdresser can provide a range of services including cut, colour and style.
If residents would like their own hairdresser or barber to visit the home in order to provide continuity, they are very welcome to use the salon. Residents are also welcome to visit their favourite salon in the community, ideally with transport provided by a family member or friend.
District Nurse
The community nursing team visits the home on a daily basis to support individual residents with their nursing needs. We also work closely with the local Falls Prevention team and we recently became a pilot for a new piece of equipment that helps people to get up safely after a fall.
We work closely with three local GP surgeries that provide healthcare services to the home, including a weekly GP round. Residents can also call the GP directly if they prefer.
A professional chiropodist visits the home every week.
Local Church
We support residents to attend local church services if they would like to, or of course they can visit their preferred church if a friend or family member can assist with transport.